My name is Cheryl Overton.
I am a mostly stay at home mom to two cute, sweet, loud, funny boys.
I am married to Jason, who also goes by the self-appointed name Gorgeous George, for reasons even I am not fully aware of yet.
We have 3 female pets to help balance the hormones in this house. (I had to put my foot down on that one.)
We live in Kelowna, BC (which we like to refer to as the Happiest Place on Earth, like Disneyland, but none of the lines).
I love scrapbooking.
Love. It.
(What more can I say about that?)
I like using these ( ) while blogging.
I work very part-time at my lss.
One of my co-workers and very good friends and I recently started a
home organizing business. Ever so often, while at a job, we'll look at
each other and whisper, "is it weird that we're REALLY enjoying this?"
And because we just saw the beginning of the new year, here are my top three resolutions for 2008:
Stop nagging my kids. Let them learn from facing consequences when they
don't put that extra sweatshirt on under their ski gear. It will be
hard, but I think I'm up for the challenge.
Stay more organized. Is it strange that my house is very organized but
I have a hard time keeping my schedule in good running order?
Get fit. (I'm carrying that one over from last year).
So, for this week's challenge, I am selfishly going to pick something "organizy".
Here are some loosey goosey ideas:
calendars (this could be a single page, a purse-sized calendar, if
you're feeling ambitious a decorated daytimer, or what about a digital
desktop calendar for your computer?)
layouts (use your past daily calendars as a reference point for some "slice of life" journaling)
If anyone has any other ideas, please jump in and suggest away!
Here is my first share. This is an 8x8 calendar layout I did for the lss I work at.
Ironically, I was 2 days late with it.
Go figure.