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December 23, 2008


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glad to see you crazy girls are making the best of it!! have an AWESOME holiday!! =)


At least you have a festive snowstorm to keep you company :). Love the hat, Jen!

Jennifer Larson

Happy holidays! As for deadlines...I never make promises I suspect I can't keep. So when students ask when they'll get their papers back, I say, "By the end of the trimester!"

katie scott

Hi Angie & Merry Christmas to Everyone at Simple :)

When are the page calls for May/June going to be posted? The last few months of the year are always super busy for me so I haven't been able to scrap as much as usual, so I've missed my scrappy time & I'm ready to get back to scrapping & I love the page calls for ideas of what to do scrappy-wise. (hows that for a run on sentence - just excited about getting back to my scrap room) Thanks!

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