« 'Twas TWO Days Before Christmas | Main | Do you have one of these? »

December 24, 2008


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Aly D

love the photo! how convenient that couch was just sitting there in the woods...made for the perfect shot. ;) merry christmas to all you awesome simple ladies!


Merry Christmas to the Simple team! Thank you for another year of inspiring ideas and fun fun fun! :)

And the weather... we've been buried in snow for weeks now.


Oh, to be in Utah.
NY has 12 inches of dirty, slushy snow.
Kind of a Grey Christmas here. lol
Anyway all the best to the Simple staff who have brought us all such good cheer this year!

Melissa K

It's going to be a lovely white Christmas here, too... I think I can count on one hand the number of times it has stopped snowing in the past 8 days!

Merry Christmas, ladies! You make such an adorable team. :)


Happy New Year to the whole 'Simple' family. I'm loving the blogs, the magazine and am looking forward to 2009! Happy Holidays!

Judy in Huntsville [al]

A rainy holiday for us - but we need it so badly here in the South East. {So happy you're keeping this blog updated sinceI still can't find the time to navigate the new website. ] I've scrapped alittle along - mostly putting things in my daily DEcember album, but also just finished up CZ's incrediable class where I completed every. single. assignement. [go me.]

emily pitts

thank you, and a merry christmas to you! we had no new snow, i kept hoping it would slide over here from utah, but no luck. today we had mid 50s and all the snow is now gone. here's to a very happy new year to you all! and good luck w/ deadlines!

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