Yes, we have added another Jen to our team! And we couldn't be more excited. Jen Wozab ("J.Wo") joined our over a month ago as our new Associate Editor, and I have yet to introduce her to you! (Bad, bad managing editor!) She's taking Rachel Gainer's position, who will be working part time from home. This is a photo of her at her inaugural team luncheon at the charming Thanksgiving Point restaurant, modeling with a dessert. Click "more" to see, that's right, MORE lovely photos of people posing with desserts.
p.s. Why call her "J.Wo"? Well, we already have:
Jennafer (our editor in chief Jennafer Martin)
Jen/Jenny (our former assistant editor Jenny Willden, now on the Digital Scrapbooking team)
Jenny (our ad rep Jenny Grothe)
Jenny (our copy editor Jenny Webb)
If you ever run out of Jennies (or accidentally misplace a Jenny) you certainly know where to look for an extra!
Jenny Willden
Jenny Hoeppner. I mean MEGAN! Megan Hoeppner. You can't blame me for getting confused.
Three more non-Jennys: Rachel, baby Shelby, and me
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